A Mesmerizing End
“All good things come to an end for the best ones to start”
The beauty of Life is that it has a beginning and an end. It can become monotonous if we don't cherish it.
You wake up everyday, with goals, ambitions and dreams. Dreams that you achieve, and also dreams that end just as a mirage. Though there are chances that they may never materialize, but the fire keeps on burning. It's that ignition that truly pumps us up and fuels our soul.
So let the change happen, embrace it, for its there for a reason. To make you a better version of "you".
You never know what the path might lead to. But the question is do you really wanna know ? Or just find out. Set out on that Journey.
So just Ignite and Fuel your soul.
Just smile, for you have a present to perform.
A past to learn from.
And a future to set on.
- The Owl